Chapter 27
Dark gray towers appear to have been frozen in time around them.There is still an open sign hanging in the door of the bookstore to their left.Almost as though a customer could leave at any time.

an alteration in the fog.Before his eyes catch the humanoid figure passing through the door, Scott almost misses the tiny movement.It appears to be made of darkness that has slightly thickened to give it a ghostly black form, despite the fact that he can barely make out it in the gray fog that is so dark.The figure disappears back into the cloud as quickly as it appeared.

"What did that mean?"He mumbles.To resist the urge to simply turn and run takes all of Astrid's willpower.Because His mind tries its hardest to drown Him in that unnatural fear and dread, staying focused is extremely difficult.

The Hisiff whispers, "Keep going," as he looks at the spot where the shadowy figure had appeared.

Scott turns away from where the figure that has just vanished with wide eyes.

They go on until the Hisi
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