Novels by Highpriest

The edge of the Attorgron forests lay about fifty miles to the east.I could get good water there, and it was closer to me than the other water source I was going to, but it had its own set of issues.One reason would be that my pursuers would expect me to head there for water, in addition to the cover the forest could provide us as we headed north; however, I would unavoidably run into the Attorgron people at some point along the way.
I was a wanted man with a bounty on my head to them.Because of that, I was well worth the effort it took for them to locate me and inject me with one of those poison darts they were so fond of.Thank you;Instead of dying from poison burning my insides, I would take my chances out in the open.
Completed · 16.5K views

Dwarf's tale
I saw a small figure of a young boy running away from us in the distance.A wolf stood in the boy's shadow.However, this wolf was enormous.It had a head as big as a bear's and stood five feet tall at the top of the hump. It had pale grey fur.The boy was being chased by a worg, not a wolf.The boy had a good lead, but the massive worg's strides would quickly reduce that lead.In a split second, I made up my mind.I made a hasty dash for the boy.Lisa was also moving quickly, and she was following me.However, looking back, she faltered.I was aware that she has not yet regained her strength.Regardless, I turned back to the boy who was still running straight at me and said, "This way!Come to me!The young man gave me a nod and fled as quickly as he could.However, I was aware that the boy would be overtaken by the worg before I could even miss him by a few feet.I raised my arm back and pulled out my hatchet.Duck!”I let the hatchet fly as soon as the boy fell.
Ongoing · 774 views

Everything Begins
Hidden Identity
Weak to Strong
Witch / Wizard
Runaway with a Baby
Someone screamed as the dogs outside the hall began to bark just as the young boy was about to speak.Together with the others at the table, he quickly got up, and they all looked out the hall's open door.The boy turned to face his father as several yelps and the dogs' abrupt barking stopped.With his hand on the hilt of the long knife at his waist, the village chief was slowly making his way toward the door.The boy thought Jane, his sister, had screamed, but he had no time to think any further because three Asabya, the terrifying, murderous barbarians of the plains, stormed into the room with a ferocious battle cry at the same time.The boy watched in horror as the tall men, their long, dark hair pulled back by leather thongs around their foreheads, painted black with white around their mouths and dark eyes, swung their swords, and killed everyone in his immediate vicinity.Before the chief could draw his knife, the first person in the room severed his father's head from his body. But they didn't stop there.Everyone was killed, from the tiniest infants in their mothers' arms to the elderly with gray heads who had just given the boy their blessing.The pain and blood as a sword was buried to the hilt in his chest were all he could remember when another person appeared in front of him.
Completed · 7.1K views

My fantasy that evening was not a tranquil
one. It was completely dark inside my head
aside from the many air pockets drifting
upwards with no sparkle or reflection, just
dead circles. I was befuddled right away yet
then, at that point, bigger air pockets gradually rose among the
other, more modest ones and inside were pack
"You might turn into an omicron, or a pi, or
far and away more terrible, an omega," I shuddered when I
saw Draugluin's irate face as he counted down
the positions as though my life's worth would as it were
«You want to be so presumptuous since you
climbed in rank?" An air pocket of Draco's
scowling face materialized with disdain
filled eyes before he suddely vanished,
passing on me without an opportunity to counter.
"A powerless Xi like you," Another air pocket rose
with Draugluin's pompous smile as he peered down
on me.
Stop I heard my powerless voice shout out among
the vacant air pockets.
"You are pointless as well," the rebel wolf
"She would not fall back when she was told
to," Lyall's enraged face frightened me. Lyall had
never been so cross with me forthright
where he'd place me down before Alpha
however, that snapshot of selling out was agonizing yet
not undeserving.
It makes perfect sense to me, I yelled, however there was no
"For what reason didn't you simply pass on it to the people,"
Auntie Mona had her arms crossed, a look of
dismay all over.
Completed · 2.0K views

I hated being locked up like a damsel in distress. Like I was some princess that needed constant protection, but deep down I was grateful. I was still struggling to summon my powers, so if I was attacked alone I would be defenseless. I understood why Valerian wanted me to stay confined within the walls of our home since there was a protection spell suffocating the entire atmosphere that surrounded it.
But I was so bored. Valerian was not there to take me out and keep me occupied with his cocky smiles and quirky comments. The only thing I could think to do to pass the time was to take a stroll around the castle grounds.
I exited out into the courtyard and walked past the beautiful wooden benches and vibrant trees. Roses of every colour confiscated the grounds and it was like I was walking through a rainbow. My fingertips caressed the petals and I inhaled the sweet scent of their exquisiteness as I walked through the trails.
I was so mesmerized by the area that I didn’t realize where I was going. I gasped as I reached for the next rose in my path, and it crumbled from my touch. The rest of the walkway was filled with black and decayed roses that tumbled to the ground like ash from a horrible wildfire. My frightened eyes glared out into the distance as I realized the dead flowers led to a shadowy tunnel made from black brick. A sign barely dangling from a broken chain at the top of the entrance read ‘dungeon.’ My body cringed at the sight. This was the dark side of Valerian that I knew and wanted to avoid as much as possible.
Completed · 3.6K views

The same robotic voice continues, "I repeat, after the long, loud beep comes to an end.This is an immediate need.At the government's request, the following message is sent.There is no test here.This nation or one of its allies has been the target of a nuclear attack.It's possible that nuclear warheads will arrive.The attack's scope, number of casualties, and location have not been determined.If there is a fallout shelter nearby, go there right away.Otherwise, please remain at home.You will receive additional information as soon as possible at the following frequency, 76.155/85.955 Megahertz.Keep your cool and wait for more instructions.This message will be heard again.The transmission terminates.The radio stops talking for a split second.The transmission then begins to repeat with a loud beep.
Ongoing · 4.6K views

Rise of zombies
Jake sensed a problem as soon as he left the hallway.He had circumnavigated the complex's exterior by following the gate until he had gained some distance from the creatures he hoped were still attempting to enter the pool.He cut through one of the buildings to get back to the parking lot once he was comfortable doing so.Although it was almost as if he sensed the overturned SUV, he did not immediately notice it.One of the dumpster sites in the complex had two large city dumpsters enclosed by brick walls, preventing it from reaching his location.He only had to walk a few steps before he saw the clearly upside-down portion of the vehicle sticking out from the dumpster block.He took a few more steps, and he saw something strange and reflective lying on the ground. Another few steps revealed the object's identity.
Sunglasses with aviators.
Jake recognized Lucas 's aviator sunglasses right away.which meant Francis , and he started to run.Run wasn't even close to being sufficient.Jake probably had never moved faster in his entire life.He didn't even give it much thought.He had forgotten about his worn-out body and aching limbs.They were a thing of the past and had long since disappeared from history.He had no idea that there were undead creatures all around.They had also become non-entities.For him, the overturned SUV and its contents were the only things that mattered.
Ongoing · 4.5K views
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