
After killing the Great Red-tail Ape, Kieran continued the journey again. He hoped that no more obstacles would delay him.

The horse kept running across Arkiva Prairie. Its legs kept moving tirelessly, and Kieran kept spurring the horse to keep running. The bright sun slowly began to descend. The temperature decreased as time passed.

Right in the afternoon, Kieran finally found the former camp belonging to the Red Armando caravan. Judging by the marks, the caravan had just left the camp a few hours ago. This made Kieran even happier. He was sure that soon he would catch up with Red Armando's caravan.

However, a strange feeling ran through Kieran's body. The young man felt that someone had just observed him. He glanced to the right and left.

"No one here, is it just my feeling?" asked Kieran.

He then shook his head and got back on the horse, then set off, following the caravan trail.

Shortly after he left, someone seemed to come out of a shadow. That person was Ruveus. He was the one w
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