Last Day at School
Chapter 45

~~ Last Day at School ~~

“Hey, Karen,” Ian greeted with a wide smile on his face. He took a glance at her and his smile widened the more.

The blonde haired Karen was putting on a big purple vest with short sleeves. The vest was so sagged, it almost made her look flat in the chest area. She had a pair of black trousers on and her feet were clad in pair of black shoes.

Her usual casual style of dressing was what made the previous Khelian like her, although he never showed interest. It seems that didn't change as Ian still felt enticed by her style. Her light brown skin was very smooth and gleamed under the rays of the sun.


A loud snap pulled him back to reality.

Karen took back her fingers from his ears and looked at him with a frown, “What were you thinking about?”

Ian was staring at her face, “Err.... Nothing. You look good today.”

She raised a brow, “Does that mean I look bad on every other day?”

Ian flinched back, “Wha?! No! Of course you look good everyday
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