On the Raft

Yelis was shaken and opened his eyes. A dark, pale light faded slightly. He didn't move anything except his eyes, barely breathing. A coarse woolen blanket covered him up to his shoulders, and his head was in his arms. He could feel the smooth wooden planks under his hands. The deck gnashed like the teeth of a monster that wanted to eat him. He took a long breath. The wind was blowing strong, inflating the sails of the raft like a balloon. The raft was moving silently through the dark waters. “There is no rock to be afraid of, there are many shallow areas where the raft can land,” said the captain. However, they did not approach the shore for days, neither during the day nor at night. Sometimes the wind blew from the opposite direction. They traveled for two days, bouncing with every jolt of the raft. At the end of the second day, the impact of the attack on the ruined city and forest began to wane. The captain spoke to them about the dangers of stepping on land in the dark and of run
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