Chapter 7

During the first war, The Evil Knights wanted revenge on the council for labeling them as weird, senile, crazy, mad scientists, who wanted nothing more than to hurt humanity and not help it. That one scientist took it upon himself officially to be recognized as “The Mad Scientist”.

When the Good Knights went on their missions, sometimes they were captured. Upon being taken prisoners, they became guinea pigs to further the rogue scientists’ experiments. While some managed to escape, they would reveal information about the locations of these hidden facilities located throughout unmarked regions away from the Orallion Kingdom. The ones who were not able to escape were injected with various viruses and chemicals. Most had intense, severe side effects.

This virus was able to mutate a normal human, making it look like a monster with intense strength. The Evil Knights also began recruiting Good Knights who were unaware of the situation.

Those who revealed the information helped the Good Knights find most of the facilities and destroy them. In the facilities not found or destroyed, the Evil Knights continued to experiment on people and animals. Out of control humans and animals were sent to attack villages close to their areas. Then evil would strike again and colonize the area.

This meant that the Good Knights were killing their own when heading into battle against these monsters. When mutated or changed, the humans lost partial memory of who they once were unable to recall their past. Some would occasionally turn against the scientists who turned them into the monsters as a form of retaliation. No longer were the Good Knights sent in small groups as plenty of backup support was provided.

The Good Knights also came close to capturing the Mad Scientist during the first war. He revealed to them that he had created a very powerful virus that only he knew how to manipulate. He had injected it into himself and even though he was shot with guns various times, he could not be killed. The strangest part of all of this and what seemed ridiculous at the time was how the Mad Scientist shot himself multiple times all over his body including his head.

Believing his suicidal death, everyone was amazed to see how his body reconstructed and healed itself back to normal. He evaded the bounty on his head and left his fellow scientists to die or be captured. However, because he bled a lot, his blood was used as samples and try to understand this virus.

Much information was acquired during the interrogations of the scientists left behind. It still would not solve how to restore a mutated human back to normal. Once infected, there was no cure.

After the war, the Good Knights were able to destroy the remaining facilities and peace was restored. The whole mess this created is considered the stupidest thing ever to happen to the Orallion Kingdom, and the remaining scientists were executed for treason along with any other former Knights captured. To ensure no one could be infected or a virus get airborne, their bodies were burnt to ashes.

This sent out a message to anyone who was even thinking about betraying the Good Knights and Orallion Kingdom. Nobody wanted to die. This stroked fear into anyone’s heart. If you see anything suspicious, you should report it right away. No one would dare mess with Good Knights because if you did anything bad, you were arrested and interrogated intensely, while being labeled a traitor or be thrown in jail. The people seemed to live with that fear for a while, but no one would do anything foolish that resulted in turning in their family, friends or loved ones.

As time passed, it seemed things would return to normal until civilians began reporting wild animals on the outskirts of the villages.

Something was triggering these animals to act aggressively towards humans. The Good Knights were sent to investigate this issue, but they mostly eliminated creatures that tried to enter any nearby cities or villages. During much investigation, the conclusion came to be that these wild animals were running away from their home territories due to the Evil Knights’ activities. These included animal gene splicing, testing, and mutation.

The Good Knights ask the villagers if they spotted any wild animals nearby, to report it right away. The Orallion City Council advised all cities and nearby villages to have a group of ten or more to defend against these animals. Guns and training were provided to anyone who wanted to help defend their homeland. The way to tell the differences between the bad creatures are due to their mutated-state and constant aggression.

However, the normal animals would attack humans out of fear to protect their territory or their packs. The only to be done to the normal animals was either neutralize or capture them. If captured, they would release it back into the wild to another part of the area away from the village or the city. The Good Knights and local villagers would assist with this constantly.

After some time, things began to calm down. So far, present day, nothing bad has happened. Wesley and Jesse are fascinated with Ashley ’s story. They wonder what it would be like to come across those wild animals and to see this Mad Scientist in person. If you ever encounter the Mad Scientist, run away as fast as you can. Fire hurts him because fire burns and destroys all. However, if you do not have any weapons or items that can ignite a big flame, run!

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