Magic Tutor - Makrov Ludwig

Two days later Karna was in his room training with Mana. For some reason, Ron had forbidden everyone to spread the news that Karna formed his Mana Core. Karna read some books about 'Mage Knights' and he understood that he would get a great advantage if he used Mana with Sword. But he just did not like Swordsmanship. As usual, Karna was sitting crossed-legged with his eyes closed. that's when the sound of Knocking came.

Karna opened his eyes, he knew that it was Lara because no one beside her came into his room. He had a very good impression of Lara. She had a lovable and cute personality, she was beautiful and she took care of him. She had all the curves in the right places. Karna was a male after all, And he had decided to live this new life to its fullest. That's why he had no norms for having relationships, but he wanted to focus on increasing his strength first. With these silly thoughts, he replied in a daze,

"Ya, come in"

Lara pushed the door and came inside. she wore the Maid'
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