Back in folds

"So will you pay up now?" Bonny's assistant questioned him again.

I-I h-have nothing on me now asides my daily allowance." Rafael stammered cowardly.

"Then I will take it from your bones." He threatened walking closer to him steadily.

"P-Please I beg of you." Rafael said panting in fear and walking back altogether but his pleas fell on the bully's deaf ears as he was already set to devour the boy who could no longer inch backwards as his back was already placed against the wall.

With one hand he raised him off the ground and another he got ready to administer punches but before his moving hand could connect to the former's fearful, face it was stopped by an intruder.

He left the lifted mass and it dropped to the floor and continued sobbing then he turned to know who had stopped.

On turning around his gaze met that of an innocent looking young lady.

"Why did you stop my fun?" He queried.

"Because you lack a good memory she retorted boldly.

He racked his head trying to figure out the relationship between his question and the answer he got but none came to him. Knowing that the person before him ranked higher than him he knew he had to act more politely.

"I don't understand how that answers my question." He replied courageously.

"If you have forgotten, I clearly remember what made you pee on your trousers in our first year and how it was resolved. Do you want me to go further and spill the details?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about." He spoke slowly and with his face's colour gradually reddening our of embarrassment.

"Then I will gladly go into details." Erica smiled shyly.

"Because you were very weak in our first year, you were constantly bothered by people who were of higher ranking than you.

One day you bumped into Sally while hiding from a person who only and God knew and got on her nerves. When she tried to retaliate you let it flow freely on your trousers as you were fully a chicken. The situation was only saved by this very person you are trying to beat up and I won't your let you even though you are shameless and lack retentive memory." She said firmly.

"How do you hope to achieve that. I am not alone you know." He said smiling and pointing at his minions.

She walked up to the boys who posed when they were pointed at by their boss. "Are they really with you?" She questioned while she stabbed them with her fists and sent them flying from their position unexpectedly and of course he failed to answer the question of hers since he was shocked by her reaction.

"Since you you have made me beat up people who had done nothing to me don't expect to go scot free." she chuckled and began walking back to him. Now it was his turn to step back and when he found no where else to go, he got in return, some folds what he wanted to give to another while Rafael watched with mouth agape.

When she was done, she offered a hand to the stunned Rafael.

"You were amazing!" He exclaimed half heartedly still fearing that he may suffer if they decide to retaliate.

"Yeah I got all that from you and you know that."

"Is that what I resembled when I fought?" Rafael wondered trying to remember all his fight in their first year but on realization of the difference in their body shape he gave up the thought. He knew he looked worse than she did.

She was slender and had a symmetrical body shape which seemed to dance while she fought. He on the other hand, was a fatty. He believes that anytime he fought the ground under him quaked and he found it hard to jump as high as she did.

"You flatter me." He replied shyly after some interval.

"But it is the truth. She insisted.

"I know you do it better." He concluded.

"If you ever bother him then it implies you urge me to agree to a duel with you in the dueling platform. She clarified the gangsters who were still on the ground clenching their ailing bodies.

The dueling platform was established so that students who had grudges with each other can settle it by dueling against themselves again in order to rise in ranking, lower ranking students challenge the higher rankers and when they are victorious the ranks visible on their badges are exchanged otherwise there is no exchange in ranking and for another three weeks the challenger is not expected to challenge the same person.

The rules of duels while in the platform, are always more strict. Victory is only achieved when one opponent who is already in a near death situation admits defeat.

When the judge considers the injuries on a fighter who willingly enters the platform to be little he dies not call the match off even if one forfeits or admits defeat. In some cases when in the dueling platform death is tolerable but not outside it.

This was the strict method in which the students who are supposed to fight against the invaders who have put the earth in a near extinction situation are trained. Surely the gangsters will dread to go at such lengths with an opponent who seems to be far superior than they were in strength.

Above the block which Erica and Rafael just left, several men sat watching what just transpired.

"Won't she be penalized for this boss?" One questioned

"Why would she?" He queried. "She went just far enough and withdrew when she should. I would have punished her only if she went further but she didn't but as for now check her out for me she might be useful someday."

"Number Thirty four is Erica Lanez class two D." Another replied.

"Register her name in my check up record." The principal who was obviously the highest in command directed.

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