Descent To Terra, Unforseen Errors II
But Louise then affectionately held his hand, though she avoided to look at his face due to embarrassment and shyness, she still boldly took ahold of his hand and led him towards the portal.

She was going to jump with him together, descent in that world as a future Mystique. He, of course couldn't read her thoughts since they were both gods at the same level.

"Err, Miss Louise?" He decided to call her out to check if she mistakened him for someone else. Though he was exceptionally handsome, and could not be mistakened for.

Something like this rarely happens in a place where everyone was highly beautiful or handsome.

"...Luu, Call me Luu." Louise didn't let him continue as she whispered lightly, but Enigma manged to catch on to her words. He immediately calmed down and sighed.

It was not like he hated her nor this sudden sweet feeling in his chest, but it was just that things had developed too fast. And the sweet feeling in his chest was only temporary, after that it immediately va
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