Chapter 4

    Saanvi groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She turned herself over onto her back and stretched but instantly regretted it. Pain shot throughout her body making her bring her arms back down and curl into a ball to ease the pain.

    Where am I? What happened? Saanvi thought to herself.

    She slowly sat up using her hands to push her up. Saanvi felt the squishy and wet ground underneath her hands.

    Saanvi looked down to see what it was and she screamed.

    Saanvi saw a woman lying face up with her mouth open as if she was stuck in a silent scream. Saanvi looked over the woman’s body and realized that she was dead. 

    The woman's face was pale with all the blood drained out of her. Her clothes were torn and bloody. Saanvi saw the woman's right arm was torn all over with pieces of her skin flapped outward revealing the inside of her arm. The inside of her arm had bite marks all the way down to her bone. It looked like she was eaten.

    Saanvi screamed and covered her mouth with her bloody hand to keep herself from throwing up. She regretted it as she felt the woman’s blood on her face and lips. Saanvi took her hand away from her face and looked at her shaking, bloody hands. She screamed again and immediately stood up which made her dizzy.

    Saanvi started to back away, not looking away from the dead woman's pale face. After a few steps, Saanvi tripped over something. She fell onto another soft surface. When she twisted to look at what she fell onto, she saw a dead man's eyes staring at her.

    Saanvi let out a scream and pushed herself up to her feet. She turned in a slow circle and looked around the small square room.

    She saw eight bodies lying on the floor. They were all pale and looked stuck in a teriffied state with their mouths stuck in a silent scream and their eyes widened.

     Wait, Saanvi thought. Eight bodies. Eight missing cases.

     Saanvi slowly put the pieces together. She thought back to when the police chief gave her the case file. She had counted five females and three males.

    There were five females and three males in this room.

    These are the eight missing people... And they're all dead.

    Saanvi slowly backed into a wall of the small square room. She wanted to get far away from the dead bodies. Get away from the terrible smell. She just wanted to get out of this house.

    Saanvi looked around the room, looking for a way to get out. She saw a brown door on the other side of the room.

    I need to get to the other side of the room. It can't be that hard, the room is pretty small. I can do this. I can do this.

    Saanvi sighed and covered her nose using her shirt. She carefully walked through the spread-out bodies. She was almost halfway there and she was doing well... Until she tripped over an arm she hadn't seen.

    Saanvi fell face-first into a puddle of blood. She pushed herself up and gagged.

    She continued to gag as she wiped her face until she couldn't hold her vomit in.

    Saanvi vomited on the floor next to one of the bodies and took deep breaths. She wiped her face with the inside of her shirt, trying to get off most of the blood and slowly continued walking to the door.

    She made the rest of the way without tripping or vomiting.

    She placed her hand on the doorknob and thought, Oh please don't be locked. Please, please don't be locked.

    Saanvi slowly turned the doorknob and sighed with relief once it opened. It's not locked. Phew. They must think that everyone they throw down here is dead. Well, I'm in luck.

    Before she stepped out, she turned around to look at the dead bodies of innocent people. "I'm so sorry this happened to you all. You didn't deserve this. May you all rest in peace."

    She didn't realize she was crying until a teardrop dropped onto her hand. She wiped it and stepped outside, shutting the door behind her.

    Time to find Ryder and get out of this place.

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