Chapter 176: Preparing for the final Stage!

Chapter 176: Preparing for the final stage!

After the conclusion of stage two across all provinces, it was now time for stage 3. The rule for stage 3 surprisingly got changed.

The commentator for province 13 grabbed the microphone as he started to go over the rules.

This was done across all provinces, and the commentator for each province would announce the new changes.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final stage that we have all been yearning for. Here are the new rules for the 3rd stage. You should know that this round would decide who the strongest or most powerful man or woman in Eksi is, so make sure you pay attention to the rules so that the rules would not work against you."

"1. The representative chosen for the 3rd round would not be changed afterward.

"2. Every single match of the 3rd round would be done in single combat, with no combined matches this time.

3. No one is allowed to forfeit a match. Even if you call for a match to be forfeited, the judges would no
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