Chapter 8

Cēē jāy POV

I cough as I tried to breathe but the tight grip of the man on my throat made it hard for me. I glanced slowly to my left to see Lisa the ghost girl screaming and panicking

"What the I get myself into" I muttered between hard coughs and gasp for air

"What going on here" a voice said and the man quickly left his grip on my throat as he turned quickly to the direction of the voice. Lisa walked up to me as she mumbled some consoling words while I coughs hard struggling to breathe

"Sir I caught this kid eavesdropping on your conversation on caughtphone" the man that tried to strangle me said

I looked up at the man from the floor were I knelt as Lisa's uncle walked up to me slowly and menacingly towards me.

"What did you hear kid" he asked with a killer tone.

"Tell him that you just came in when the guard saw you, that you didn't hear anything" Lisa whispered to me

"I didn't hear anything,I just came here when he caught me" I repeated what lisa told me

Uncle Charles POV

I look
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