Chapter 10: "I'll find a way to fix it."

Jake and his men rushed their fallen comrade to the hospital.

The small crowd was dispersed and Adeline was currently pacing the length of her office.

That guard!

Why did he have to do that?

Of all the things for him to do he had to injure one of Jake's men so heavily.

Constantine simply watched her as she paced back and forth. It seemed she had forgotten that he was even in the room, or that she had summoned him here almost immediately after Jake Caswell and his men left.

Con wasn't complaining though.

Adeline Firoan was a stunning woman to watch. She moved like liquid silk, exuding her femininity with each and every step she took and making him more and more entranced with every sway of her hips as she continued pacing.

Adeline suddenly felt someone's hot gaze on her, like the rays of a scorching sun.

She looked to see the guard staring at her boldly, without any shame or remorse at the sort of look he had in his eyes.

What a shameless man.

'"Hey didn't anyone tell you it's rude
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