Chapter 19: The Last Humiliation (Part 1)
AUGUST BLINKED his eyes and turned his head to see who was the man who entered the other door. It was a tall man wearing a white polo shirt and pants. Despite the casual clothes, a powerful aura was evident around him.

‘Jake Sandoval,’ August thought.

He was the CEO of the Sandoval Corporation and the head of the Sandoval Family. He was the mastermind of all the transactions.

In all those years he worked at the Sandoval Corporation, he only saw him twice: One at the general assembly and the second at the emergency meeting when the stock prices decreased drastically because of an issue he couldn’t remember.

He wasn’t active at the company, but no business transactions, especially the most crucial ones, were done without his approval.

August was always intimidated every time he saw Jake, but he couldn’t help to think that Charles Remington had a more powerful and intimidating aura— yet he was comfortable with him at the same time.

“F-Father…” Daphne mumbled as her hand traveled ont

Part 2 will be updated later!

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