3 become a student at a magic school

It's so late at night. the principal and I went into his house.

[the principal's name is Mr. Agra]

we entered and were greeted by a woman and it was her wife, Mr. Agra explained what happened to his wife, heard that his wife allowed me to stay with them.

Mr. Agra took me to the downstairs room, and the room was very tidy. Then I asked "whose room is this?"

she replied "It was my son's first room, now he disappeared on duty to the Forbidden Forest" hearing that, I felt guilty for asking, "now you take a bath there" she said.

then I went to the bathroom, when in the bathroom there was a sound of splashing water in the bathroom and I thought it seemed like someone was taking a shower. then I went to the dining room because I was starving.

then I saw Mr. Agra and his wife were telling me something, then I was invited to eat with them while chatting, I approached them, and saw a lot of food served at the dinner table.

Then we had dinner together while talking about what happened before. then his wife Mr. Agra also told him that this afternoon his youngest son was also in danger and luckily there was a man who saved him.

I thought Father and son had the same fate, it was really strange, then his wife Mr. Agra told him again, she said, " he has no home and chose to follow my daughter to this kingdom. At first he wanted to be invited to live here, but he disappeared. I do not know where, that's what your daughter Agra said"

then Mr. Agra replied irritably "heyyy isn't he Your son too" hearing that Mr. Agra's wife immediately laughed.

I thought that the person who disappeared was me, at the same time I heard the sound of the door from the bathroom, I turned around and saw a woman who came out of the bathroom with the small towel she used.

then I saw her face, I was surprised that the woman was Erina, then I pretended not to see anything.

"ahaha look at your son Agra his face is red" said Mr. Agra's wife.

is what I see true? I was ashamed of him because I ran away before.

After eating I went straight to my room and immediately lay down, not long after that Mr. Agra entered with his daughter Erina. I was surprised and immediately stood up

"how can I help you, sir?"

it turned out that Mr. Agra just wanted to chat for a while in the living room, so I followed him into the living room.

"Well, I want you, it feels strange to have the name arth" said Mr. Agra.

"No," replied Erina.

we talked about magic school, I asked Mr. Agra why he doesn't attack villains with magic when he is attacked by villains, then Mr. Agra explained that magic doesn't always exist, magic energy will be used up if used continuously and will recover at least about 1 to 2 hours.

Mr. Agra intends to put me in the Academy of magic school because my magic must be trained he said, I agree because there is no plan in my life.

After talking about that I went straight to my room because I was still embarrassed by Erina, I immediately fell asleep at that time, after which I had a strange dream. I sat on a terrifying throne and there were many demons in front of me as if it was a real event.


It was a beautiful morning, the sounds of people passing around the house were heard in my ears, I was woken up by Erina because today I have to enroll to be a student at the school of magic. I was given clothes by Mr. Agra and other necessities. after the meal I went with Mr. Agra and Erina to the Magic School.

I felt nervous on the first day especially when I didn't know anyone in the magic school other than Mr. Agra and Erina, it really made me nervous.

In the end I arrived at the gate of the Magic School, the school was so big that there were about 5 floors.

I was told to go to the teacher's office, while Erina went to her class. not long after I arrived at the teacher's room with Mr. Agra, I was told to introduce myself to all the teachers who were there.

"morning all teachers, introduce my name Arthous just call me arth"

After the introduction, I was tested whether I had magic energy or not, because in this magic school one of the requirements was to have magic energy.

I was tested by another teacher who I didn't know the identity of, she asked me to show her my magic in the form of an energy ball. as usual I was given an example by my teacher, but I couldn't do it in 10 times, I was barely accepted because I couldn't show my magic, luckily Mr. Agra came to me and said that I didn't need testing because Mr. Agra already knew.

My heart was so relieved to hear that I was accepted into the magic school, I was finally escorted by my teacher to my class, and it was time to introduce myself and become a new student at that school.

That morning I introduced myself in front of the class, everyone focused on me. I introduced myself normally, after which I sat in the reserved seat in the back.

I just entered the Magic School, while the Magic School is at the end of the semester and there will be an aptitude test.

The first lesson begins with a discussion of history,

The history teacher explained the lesson "ok, now mom explains about the origin of human magic, in the history of that time when the war began, it started from the collaboration of humans and gods to defeat The Demon King. it is said in history that he died instantly by the magic, but the magic could only be applied once and could not be made again, after the death of the Demon King, out of nowhere there was a red light flying in the forest, then the humans examined it and it turned out that it was magic and could be used by humans, after humans could use the Magic, The Gods forbade humans to use magic, humans also refused because magic was very helpful for humans, and finally a war broke out, any questions?"

then one of the students asked, " Mom! magic that kills demons can only be applied once, what if the Demon is still alive?"Then the teacher did not answer anything.

The break bell rings. I was invited by Erina to tour the school and every time I saw another class, there was bullying in the classroom.

I was surprised and asked Erina, " why is there so much bullying in this school? Is it against the rules?"

"It's not against the rules, it's even recommended, because people who are bullied will increase their magic so they won't be bullied anymore" Erina replied in a low tone.

The bell rang and all the students returned to their classes. I became uncomfortable to go to school here, because weak people were bullied and no one wanted to take sides and help.

the 2nd lesson is aptitude training in the school arena, while the aptitude test will be tested directly in the field. we all went to the school arena and sat in the audience watching that test, those who would compete would be called at random.

I'm looking for Erina because I have a lot to ask about the rules of this test.

The first participant summons, Michiko against Erina. I was confused because when he was in the arena, no wonder he hadn't been seen by me.

the two of them mounted their stance, while creating a Magic Ball in their hands, instantly the magic turned into their weapons.

Erina uses a crossbow, while Michiko uses a sword. it was certainly very advantageous for Erina because she was a long-distance player," KRINGGGG, " the arena match Bell was lit.

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