“This comedian Mr. Rodriguez is using the red arrow to make those women fall for him one after another, but it will only last for thirty-three days,” someone like Mr. Rodriguez using the arrow this way, would he ever be chosen to become the devil king?

I then asked Mordecai what I just thought about.

“Of course, any of the candidates can be chosen to be the new devil king, no matter how they use their powers,” he responded.

Well, that confirms my question anyway, besides it’s the devil after all, I guess anything goes, someone like the devil would not care about bad things.


The following morning,

I was walking down the hallway of Harvard University, I just applied to study architecture, at least now that I have money, I can make one of my life long dreams come true.

As I was walking, a loud beeping sound came from my cellphone inside my pocket, I took out my cellphone and looked at what the notification was. It was a news notification, I opened it.

I saw that comedian’s face, I read through the headline. It stated that Mr. Rodriguez died last night, and the cause of his death was unknown.

My eyes opened wide. Mordecai was floating in the air next to me, he also saw the news.

“Wait a minute, does this mean that one of the devil candidates killed him?” I asked in a shaky tone.

“Probably,” he responded.


Three days later,

It was a very sunny afternoon, I was standing at the side of a crosswalk with my phone in hand, I was waiting for the traffic to turn to pedestrians, so, I could cross.

I was scrolling through my browser, while I wait, I saw a news headline that was relating to that famous comedian that died a few days back. I opened the news and read through it. After a few seconds.

It’s strange, they still haven’t discovered what killed the comedian. The traffic light turned to pedestrian, I swiftly kept my cellphone inside my pocket and started walking.

Mordecai flew over to my shoulder out of nowhere.

“Hey, good job for getting yourself into that university, you must be really smart Trevor,” he said in rumbling tone.

“That’s not really true,” I replied.

“Awwn, don’t be so modest, I wasn’t the one who thought of using your red arrow to make your uncle turn himself in, you thought of that on your own. You bought a condo with the money you got back and today we are going shopping for your new life, isn’t that amazing?” Mordecai stated with a lot of excitement in his voice.

I never thought demons were cheerful beings. The media and the stereotypes we have about demons here on earth are completely wrong.

But, it seems Mordecai is really excited for me, even though I am not excited.

“Trevor, cheer up, I mean the life you described, a place to sleep, food to eat and going to school each day, it’s gradually becoming a reality, you are getting closer to reaching the ordinary happiness you want, things are going great for you,” he stated as I continued walking down the street with him hovering besides me.

I stopped walking.

“Well, I know I should feel better except for that comedian’s death, it’s still bothering me,” I replied as I continued walking.

“Don’t get me wrong Mordecai, I am grateful to you for coming to my rescue and saving me from killing myself. I will be going to college, and I can live my life like this because of the demon powers you gave me, but I am still worried, this force is too great for a normal person, what if I can’t control it?”

As Mordecai and I continued walking down the street heading over to my new apartment, we saw people gathered in front of a large building. I stopped and looked at what they were all focused on. They were all busy watching the news on the large billboard that was at the side of the tall glass skyscraper building.

Mordecai and I also focused on the news to see what the fuse was all about, because everyone was focused on the news. A female reporter was reporting that a large mall here in Los Angeles has been taken over by armed robbers and that they had demands. Their demands were, they will kill one hostage every ten minutes until they get money and a getaway helicopter.

Hearing all this I was in complete shock, my eyes opened wide as I focused on the billboard screen. I wanted to know how the situation is being handled.

The female reporter took us to a live feed that was in front of the mall. Within a few seconds of watching the live feed, we heard two loud gunshots coming from inside the mall. Everyone that was watching the news started screaming.

“Oh my gosh, Mordecai can’t we do something to help the victims?” I asked, my mouth was wide open as I was still focused on the live feed. I have demon wings and arrow powers now, so, I wanted to know if there was something I could do to help.

Mordecai told me to wait and see what the authorities were going to do.

“At this moment the police appear to be helpless, they don’t want to escalate the situation by taking indecisive action,” The female reporter stated as we continued watching the live feed.

From nowhere someone landed in front of the mall as dust scattered all over the place covering the person. As the dust cleared, we were able to see the person properly. It appeared to be a man that was wearing a white robotic suit that covered his entire body including his face, with the way he looked it was like he appeared right out of an Iron man movie. But where did he come from? I couldn’t help but wonder because he just dropped out of thin air.

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