Author's Note

Hello Everyone. If you're reading this, you might've noticed that it seems like Chapter 18 & 19 (The Breakthrough and Thirty Five Million Dollars) are repeating.

Well, I had decided to add some more content to Chapter 18— The Breakthrough, and it hasn't been approved by my editor yet since Saturday and the added words are pivotal to the storyline so I can't just upload the next chapter because there would be a confusing gab between the two. So while it's still under review, I decided to upload Chapter 19— Thirty Five Million Dollars which has the original content of 18 which has been read by most, and then the added content I had imputed but yet to be approved.

So all you have to do when you open Chapter 19 is to scroll down to the point where Chapter 18 had stopped, and then continue from there to read the added content. Then afterwards you can continue the book from Chapter 20 which will be the next upload after this author's note.

thank you :)

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