The clues

Miss Jones.

Miss Jones was marking her student’s maths homework after having her lunch. When she came upon Lyra Sandman’s homework, she paused, feeling mildly annoyed. She remembered the girl’s brother who had promised to call her but had ghosted her instead. She felt more annoyed at herself for flirting with him. That’s what you get for flirting with your students’ parents, she chastised herself. She decided it would be the last time she would ever do something like that.

She decided to forget the brother and focus on her student’s work. She realised this was Lyra’s best work. She figured the brother must have been helping her with it. Before, Lyra’s homework was always poorly done, as if there was no responsible person to help her with it at home. She felt admiration for the man.

When she reached the second last paragraph, she saw something that had been written in a smaller font in between the paragraphs.

“Lives on the wrong address. Details faked. Both stuck. Most wanted dl. Don’t
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