32. Isabella's dilemma

Isabella stood fixed by the door. She could see Johan clearly from where she was standing, though the door was closed, she could look through the glass opening on the door and see him.

He was lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on his face, he had tubes and wires connected to his body that she couldn’t even trace what each was for. Her eyes settled on the monitor where she could see his heart rate. He was alive, that was all that mattered. He was alive.

She caught Erik, Johan’s brother staring at her from inside the room, but he turned back to look at Johan as if she was not there. She had a feeling that he understood to a certain degree how she felt and was giving her time to organize her thoughts.

The explosion at Norman’s house had shook her. It had triggered another traumatic experience for her where she had to remember her past Memories that she would rather forget totally. Of all the recent episodes that she had experienced, this one was the worse. It had taken her a while be
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