Chapter 4

"Why Alvin? You don't believe what I say?" Jessica asked, smiling back at Alvine's funny face, “That's only a small part of Alvine. Emerald Corporation is the largest company in the Alvine World, there are about 100 subsidiaries under the auspices of the Emerald Corporation throughout the world. So that makes Emerald Corporation stronger and more difficult to shake by rival companies from the Clarovile family as the owner of Amarador Enterprise which only has 30 subsidiaries and is spread across 30 cities and ten countries between Asia and Europe, while Emerald Corporation, its subsidiary is in 100 cities and 40 countries in Asia, Europe, America and also Africa," Jessica explained, making Alvine even more surprised.

"But, grandfather didn't say that we have a rival?" Alvine asked, still confused because Thomas didn't tell him that the Clarisson family had enemies.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you directly, Alvine. But the time is not yet possible, because you must immediately return to Shavellight tomorrow to continue your studies. That's why I came here and told you everything at grandfather's request.” Jessica said clarifying what she said about her arrival to meet Alvine.

“…Starting tomorrow, you must change your lifestyle Alvine, this kind of appearance is very unbecoming of a young master. You have to start a new habit like a young master from the richest family in the world, and it is useful for you to get a lover soon.”

“…I know that you have been repeatedly hurt by girls, and it happened because of your poverty that you have been living. And now it's time for you to change, Alvine. Show them who you are, and I'm sure all the girls in Shavellight will be vying to get your hands on you and put her in the position of first Young Miss, since I'm only Alvine's Second Young Miss,”

Alvine was silent for a moment hearing Jessica's long speech. Of course what Jessica said had some truth to it, if Alvine revealed his identity as Young Master and owner of the Dragon's Palace Enterprise, then it was certain that he would be chased by many Girls who wanted to approach him and try their luck to become the Young Lady of the Clarisson family.

But things like that aren't the only way to get a girl's sincere love, because all they see is the wealth and luxury that would be obtained if they could become Young Lady Clarisson. But Alvine wants a girl who can accept him as he is, wants to be Alvine's girlfriend despite the circumstances and poverty he is living in, even though it seems like it will be very difficult, because there are almost no girls like that nowadays.

"I know it's Jessica, but I don't want to change my lifestyle. I'm already comfortable like this. Besides, I want to get a boyfriend who really loves me sincerely, not because of the wealth I have, and also my status as the Young Master of the richest family So I ask you, that you also help me to cover up my identity, I don't want other people to know who I really am, "

"No problem, but I remind you once again, you will continue to be humiliated wherever you are. Because they don't know who you are

"That doesn't matter to me, because I'm used to getting it all, I'm used to being insulted and belittled since childhood, so things like that have become my daily food,"

“Fine then, I'll help you cover up your identity, and don't forget, you have one month to find a partner and bring them here. But if in one month you don't come, then I will come to Shavellight with my future sister-in-law and you can't refuse anymore. Now you sleep, because tomorrow morning you have to return to Shavellight Town,"

Finished talking, Jessica got up and walked out of Alvine's room to return to her room, remembering that it was already one o'clock in the evening.

Meanwhile Alvine lay down and closed his eyes because sleepiness was starting to attack him.


the next morning, Alvine returned to Shavellight City using his private jet given by Thomas Clarisson. Meanwhile at Shavellight City Airport, a Rolls Royce car that had been specially ordered as Alvine's vehicle was waiting for him.

"Welcome Young Master, we have been waiting for your return to Shavellight City," said a man with a well-built body opening the car door while bowing to Alvine,

" Who are you? And why bring this many people?” asked Alvine curiously. Because so many people greeted him, even the Rolls Royce cars were lined up around thirty while from the plane door to Alvine's car, lined up with burly men wearing black suits and black glasses, the number would not be less than forty people.

“I am Xenders Woods, Young Master, I was ordered directly by the Old Master to welcome and look after Young Master. And these are all my people who will escort Young Master to campus," answered the man named Xenders Woods.

"This is too much Xenders, I don't want to be treated like this, because then my identity will be exposed, so I ask you and your men to go home. Let me go to campus by taxi, and thus my identity will be protected. And if anything happens I will contact you," said Alvine firmly refusing to be treated special.

"But Young Master,"

"Nothing but Xenders, do my bidding, or you can send an escort car behind me and follow me all the way to campus if you're afraid something might happen to me,"

"Okay Young Master, I will carry out the order." Xenders replied while ordering one of his bodyguards to find a taxi for Alvine.

After being in the taxi, Alvine asked the taxi driver to take him to the Oxforado Campus which is the best university in Shavellight and also the Province of Lamonius. It even became the best University in Nappalon. While behind the taxi, two Rolls Royce cars carrying four passengers each followed as a form of escort.

In front of the campus gate, Alvine meets Laevy, a beautiful girl who has been able to captivate Alvine's heart all this time. Leavy walked towards the girls' dormitory with Chena.

“Hey Leavy!”

Hearing someone call, Leavy immediately turned towards the direction of the voice. And immediately looked away in disgust when he knew that the one who called him was Alvine. Those who were walking followed him. Leavy showed an unhappy face at this time.

And feeling that Alvine was trying to follow him, Leavy also quickened his steps to get to the dormitory. However, due to his rush, Leavy did not see the path he was walking on, tripping his feet, and causing Leavy to lose balance and almost fell. Luckily Alvine immediately held her back by grabbing Leavy's hand until Leavy's body fell into Alvine's arms.


Realizing that at this moment he was being hugged by Alvine, Leavy immediately let go of his hand and a second later threw a slap at Alvine.

“What are you doing Leavy! Why did you slap me?” asked Alvine while holding his cheek which felt hot from Leavy's slap just now.

"That's a lesson for those of you who dare to hug me, you shameless poor people, why are you always looking for opportunities to approach beautiful Alvine girls, didn't you know last night that you were inappropriate," Leavy snapped, glaring at Alvine angrily .

Alvine still doesn't understand why Leavy slapped him? Even though Alvine had just saved Leavy from falling into a pool of water after it rained on campus last night. And instead of thanking him, Laevy instead rewarded him with a hard slap. Of course this was beyond Alvine's expectations at all.

After feeling that his heart had calmed down again, Alvine took a deep breath, then said, “I didn't mean to hug you Laevy, I just kept your body from falling, because earlier you had lost your balance. But if you feel displeased with my help, then I apologize.”

Then Alvine left Leavy who was still furious as if he still couldn't accept the embarrassment of being hugged by Alvine, even though Alvine had just explained what really happened, that didn't make Leavy believe him. The feeling of embarrassment now approached his mind when he saw that the incident had made him the center of the spectacle.

Realizing that at this time he was being made an object of ridicule, Leavy's anger could no longer be restrained. Now is the time for Leavy to be able to embarrass Alvine in public, because he dared to make him the center of attention of the girls who were currently circling him.

"Who said you can go Alvine, our business isn't finished yet," shouted Leavy while trying to pull Alvine's clothes who had taken a step away from him.

And again – again Leavy lost his balance for the second time, this time his body instead hit Alvine who stopped and turned his body. As a result, Leavy hugged Alvine again. This, of course, made the girls who watched immediately laugh funny.

Of course this incident made Leavy's face iron with anger mixed with shame. Not wanting to prolong matters, after pushing Leavy Alvine's body he continued his steps towards the boys' dormitory he wanted to pick up equipment for today's lecture.

Meanwhile Leavy grew increasingly furious at Alvine. Somehow his heart hates the figure of a young man who is considered poor and utterly useless. Maybe because Alvine had expressed his feelings for Leavy a year ago, before Leavy finally decided to have a relationship with Hayes Zlaiwer.

Alvine kept walking leaving Leavy who was still throwing insults and taking out his frustration on Alvine.

Arriving at the dormitory corridor, Alvine was immediately greeted with many questions from his friends. They were all worried about Alvine's whereabouts because last night he didn't return to the dormitory.

“Alvine, where were you last night. We were all worried about you, Sherly said you went home first after being humiliated at Chena's birthday party last night," Roland asked with a slightly brightened face when he saw Alvine coming.

"That's right Alvine, we even looked for you in every corner with Sherly after knowing that you didn't return to the hostel," Danny said, patting Alvine's shoulder who just smiled.

"I'm fine, last night I helped someone who asked to be escorted to the city of Niumik. But because it was too late, I was asked to stay at his house," Alvine lied.

Alvine didn't want everyone to know about his current identity. Alvine felt more comfortable staying the way he was.

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