Chapter 9: The case of the missing girl (part 2)

Currently, Bai Quoc and Thanh Lam were standing where someone was missing. From the outside, it looked like a normal painting studio, nothing more nothing less. However, nearly everyone in that haunted video has been here at least once. One or two people could be a coincidence, but dozens of people made it a real problem here.

- Can you feel anything? – Bai Quoc asked. – Something like magic or something like that?

- Things are not like in the movies you usually see. - Thanh Lam said. –Basically, I feel a bit of dark magic in this place, but that much alone is inconclusive.

- Then let's go into the investigation. - Quoc said.

Just like that, without wasting any time observing, the two quickly came face to face with a painter. With papers in hand, they easily obtained his cooperation.

Talking about the painter, he had a face with a characteristic protruding tooth that makes him look like a chipmunk. The head was half bald, revealing a high forehead. This person wore a white t-shirt wit
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