The passanger

We were supposed to board the plane at three, but we didn't get on the damn plane until five. Five o'clock, TWO HOURS after we were supposed to board. We should have been in the air by that point, but Charles de Gaulle airport was never the most efficiently run place.

As we were at last allowed to board, I took one last look at the City of Lights. In terms of architecture, Paris was my favorite city in the world. I didn't get to visit often and I realized I was going to miss it. The three days of relaxation had gone by in a flash and I wished I could stay just a little bit longer. It was a very beautiful city and these days I never had many chances to relax.

My life was my job. At least my sacrifice was about to pay off...


"Of course, sir. Please, enjoy the complimentary-"

I waited for her to continue, but she didn't. My eyes were on the Paris skyline, but her silence drew me over. She was standing by my chair, holding the wine bottle. She was frozen. Not moving.

"Enjoy the compli
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