Chapter 52 - THE PREGNANCY

The next morning Mr. Sam called the Millionaire Brothers and asked them to come to his house.

When they came, they talked about what Mr. Prime told them when he called them the previous day and they decided on what to do and this time Mr. Prime was not aware as all his recording devices that he planted in their homes have been discovered.

After the meeting they had, everyone of them went back to their different offices that day.

Mr. Prime woke up very early with his wife and his wife Precious started vomiting that morning.

Mr. Prime was disturbed and he carried his wife to his car and took her to the hospital.

The nurses took her in and asked Mr. Prime to wait behind, he used that opportunity to call Mr. Philip, his wife's father and informed him everything and that they were in the hospital.

He assured Prime that she will be ok because he already know what was happening to his daughter Precious.

The doctor came out few minutes later and Mr. Prime rushed to him and asked him how his w
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