A Twist Of Events

Thunder crackled in the distance as the clouds grew bright with lightning which lasted for a split second. That split second was enough for him to see clearly that it was Elena.

And the look on her face was heart breaking. It took a while before it dawned on him that Elena just saw him kissing another girl.

Elena had a huge rain boots on with an umbrella and a coat, but as she saw him, the umbrella fell off her hands, while the rain poured heavily on her without mercy.

She could taste salt and she wondered at the back of her mind if it was her tears or the rain was salty.

That was not her main cause of worry at the moment. All that matters was that she felt like though someone has slammed their hands through her chest with a chainsaw and drove it in as it sliced through her heart, cutting it painfully, the machine whirling without mercy.

She choked back a sob and turned on her heels. She wasn’t going to let him see her breakdown.

“Elena wait!” Ajax called out to her but that was wh
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