12. It's All My Fault
As Daisuke delved deeper into the forbidden territory, Asuka's eyes fluttered open, and she recognized the familiar sight of her house's roof and sturdy walls. A soft sigh reached her ears, and she turned her gaze to find her sister Aya peacefully asleep beside her. Seeing Aya unharmed brought relief, but Asuka knew she couldn't stay idle.

With effort, she attempted to rise from her bed, only to be met with a sharp pang of pain in her shoulder. Examining the source, she noticed the area was now tightly bound with several strips of white tape extending from her shoulder down to her chest.

Suddenly, the memories flooded back— the Jinro attack, Daisuke's valiant defense, and the chilling image of a werewolf almost sinking its teeth into her shoulder. Her hand instinctively reached for the spot, confirming her recollection as she felt the swelling beneath the bandages.

A voice broke the silence, emanating from the doorway of the house. "You're awake," it exclaimed. "Thank the heavens! I
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