Chapter Twenty-Eight- Mental Demons (5)

“Ah! Am so bored~!” Seki shouted in Min’s mind as Min blew the mouth of her gun oozing off hot, black smoke.

“Well, sorry?” Min said with raised brows as she levitated an apple towards herself and took a good bite out of it whilst positioning her bow and arrow

“Whatevs” Seki said and an awkward silence ensued next,

“Hey, why not tell me a bit about the Mental Demons? Just treat is as you burning away time to stop your boredom” Min suggested slyly

“Ain’t that easy young lady, let me think about it…okay” Seki said without much thought

“Did you really think about it?” Min said with a blank face

“Shut it”

“’Kay” Min replied while taking shooting another arrow which split the first into two perfectly

“There are two ways involved in passing the trials of a Mental Demon” Seki started


“One, To Overcome which has been known to be the simplest and To Succumb and Suppress, Elen took this step and had to
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