Noelle Jones!!!!

They all turned to the doorway to look at the owner of the voice. Laura's eyes widen in shock as she saw the person standing there with tears, the look in his eyes was one she had never wished to see, the look of disappointment.

"How could you be this wicked and heartless? I would have never believed it if anyone had told me the woman I'm married to was this evil" Dennis said, as tears of disappointment kept running down his face

The person who happened to be standing in the doorway was Dennis, Laura's husband. He had forgotten some files in the house and he decided to come and pick them up quickly and leave for work. In a hurry and not to bother the security too much, he packed his car outside the house and came in instead, which is why they didn't notice his presence. He had been standing outside listening to all their conversation as he happen to have heard the part where she had connived with Nora to bring Queenster to the States, he paused and decided to listen to everything. N
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