Chapter 56

"Well people talk your father won numerous victories but his last defect destroyed his lifetime reputation" Lee lamented.

"Uncle Lee, actually, i want to ask you something you saw how tragic that battle was so do you have any doubts?" Richard asked.

"Actually, i don't think it was bandits that your father encountered" Lee said.

Richard heart started beating fast he just wants to confirm even though he knew the truth before.

"Uncle Lee, you also don't think they are bandits either?" Richard asked

"Bandit just wants money and they don't usually kill all their enemies but back then, they blew up the mountain to block the paths and of the valley and killed your father, your eldest brother and all other soldiers i really don't think some bandits could have this kind of combat capacity" Lee replied.

"In the past ten years, i have been fighting around but I have never heard from them again if they were really bandits they wouldn't have given up their old business just after that battle. It i
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