God. Episode 1.



One second Gabriel was smacking the hell out of Sathanas’s face and then he felt serious pain assault him as he noticed himself flying away.


The earth was destroyed as Gabriel crashed into it.

The blow he had just received just now was still shocking to him. The shocking thing about it was the fact that Gabriel didn’t even notice when he got slammed away because he was definitely confident that there was no way Sathanas would hit him easily without him noticing so Gabriel could predict the result of that last attack to definitely be a shockwave.

Gabriel gritted his teeth while holding his head as if he was trying to console himself from the pain he was currently feeling. However, he didn’t have any time to dwell on his pain because his fight was not yet over. Gabriel looked forward to see Sathanas now standing on both feet.

Sathanas was the obviously struggling to catch his breath. There were blood running down his face as there was a cut from his forehead and anoth
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