065 – The One with the Dream (1)

Dalis felt fuzzy.

Yep that was the word, that described how he felt at the moment.

The last thing he remembered was going to sleep, but now he found himself in a strange place, it was just that he couldn’t really do anything.

He wanted too look around but he felt like he had no eyes, he wanted pull himself up but he felt like he had no hands with which he could pull him self up, he wanted to walk but… well you get the picture.

The world all around him started to shimmer, and various large doors and stone corridors flashed in and out of his conscious mind.

“Am I dreaming?” he wondered aloud, dreams were different for Dalis, he remembered all of his dreams, unlike everyone he knew, but his dreams were even stranger yet.

He would frequently find himself awake inside his dreams, fully aware that his dream was a dream, without it ever breaking unless he willed it so, unlike other people whose dreams broke the moment they realised they were dreaming.

But even so this dream felt diffe
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