067 – The One with the Menial Labour

When the night faded into day, and the morning began Dalis opened his eyes.

He clutched his head that was unusually sore, and slowly recalled the dreams he had, it was strange, he usually had a perfect recollection of his dreams, but dreams always had a little nonsensicalness to them.

But his dream from the night felt real, and he had a feeling that it was…

When he went into the soul space, he found Raylin passed out in a sitting position, still looking that deadly shade of sick.

When he reached Raylin, he suddenly paused and thought that maybe it wasn’t the best of ideas of let him know that he had seen the guys memory.

Though he felt like it was a pity not to congratulate him on the bombshell of a wife he landed himself.

But thinking of that made him all the more certain that it wasn’t a wise idea to tell Raylin what he saw, after all he was having a pretty intimate moment with his wife in that memory.

As he thought about the memory he witnessed, he couldn’t help but wonder i
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