Chapter 61: ‘Experiment’ Begins

Some of the children had mana as they are the same age if Adrian. The weird thing that Adrian discovers is that their mana is totally absent. He knows they don’t have the same capabilities as Adrian’s mana mastery.

Adrian had read about poisons and already made a book of ‘Herbology’ that Marylyn borrowed. Inside the book Adrian had a note about ‘Rigor Poison’. It’s a clump of elemental mana that is mixed with the creature’s blood. It is feed into the victim, to put them in to a deep sleep state while preserving the body condition. In short, it is a food preserving method for the monsters.

It is hard to detect externally but they can be spotted or detected in the change of the victim’s blood. It can be cured by a standard antidote or Light spell: Cure to counteract the poison.

“Is he new to this job?” Adrian stares at Jonah begun to trust the young priest less.

“Ahem… Priest Jonah… Have you tried to use ‘Cure’ on the children?” Adrian questions the pri

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