
Reza was neatly dressed in a complete shirt and jacket, while Jesselyn was still lying on the bed. Reza frowned at his wife's unusual behavior. In fact, Jesselyn usually wakes up early to prepare all Reza's equipment.

“Honey… I'm about to go to work, you know! Hey, let's get up first!” Reza stroked his wife's head gently.

"Mmmh." Jesselyn just snorted. "I'm still very sleepy, Mas," he said.

Reza smiled at that. "You pretended to ask for three rounds last night, what happened?" muttered Reza.

Jesselyn didn't respond, instead snoring came out of the woman's mouth. Again, Reza just smiled. "Yeah, well, you go on and rest. I'm off to work, honey!” Reza kissed his wife's forehead then left the room.

About two hours later, Jesselyn woke up from her sleep and was shocked to see that Reza was no longer beside her. He was even more surprised to see the wall clock which was already nine in the morning. Jesselyn immediately grabbed her cell phone and called Reza.

"Hi darling! Are you awake?" sai
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