New Fact

Jesselyn hugged Reyhan. No matter how disappointed he was with his biological older brother, he certainly couldn't bear to see Reyhan cry in regret like that. Reyhan hugged Jesselyn back. “I'm sorry brother, Jesselyn! Sorry brother!” he asked many times.

"Yes, Bang," said Jesselyn. "Jesselyn has forgiven you. Mom and dad must have forgiven you too. Now we can only pray, that God will place papa and mama in the best place,” continued the woman while sobbing.

Reyan nodded. In the end, the estuary of regret is just surrender. The two of them held each other for a long time, letting go of all the feelings of longing, regret, anger, disappointment, and other feelings that were suffocating. Reza who witnessed the incident also got teary eyed. He was touched to see the sincerity of his wife's heart.

Jesselyn finally returned to find Reza's face. He quickly wiped his tears away and loosened his hold on Reyhan. "Bang Reyhan, meet Mas Reza, Jesselyn's husband," said Jesselyn, introducing the tw
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