
"... In other words, he has been half-vampire and half-witch since before you met. A vampire did not transform him; perhaps his mother had sealed the abominable powers he inherited! I wanted to talk to you alone about this information because I am convinced that milord Kasel's father is not the hunter who disappeared with his sister; but of a noble vampire!"

After hearing these words from my little witch, I admit that my body had frozen as if my powers wanted to transform me into one of my ice statues. Seriously? Hehe~, why am I more and more excited instead of worried? Vampires are not only savages; we have some taboos that we must never overcome; these rules have remained unchanged within our race.

Committing one of these taboos is like being tracked forever by our race and being exterminated forever! Precisely, one of these taboos is to mix our bloodline with humans or with other races, such as witches, for example! No one cares about this taboo since it is impossible to have a child with other races. Our birth rate is low; the more powerful a vampire is, the more difficult it will have to have offspring.

That leads me to wonder how this man could see the light of day!? It's no longer a question of being lucky; it's like defying the world's laws.

"You know, milady, if our race learns about the existence of milord Kasel, he will be chased to be killed! A man with the powers of witches is a taboo in himself; Milord Kasel will probably be able to invoke a spirit that will give him the ability to use the powers of my species, but he's a vampire in addition to that. That makes him the number one target to shoot down within our race! Are you ready to take this risk by staying with him? She asks me in a nervous voice.

I know, I know, I know all that; Meh~ who cares about these useless taboos? Our race, those of witches, have only one rule in common; it's the rule of the strongest. It is also this reason that makes our two races look alike.

Who will dare to attack my Darling if he becomes more powerful than all? A vampire using the powers of witches? Or maybe he's a wizard using vampire powers? In short, it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that I now understand why her blood is so unique; I now understand why this woman gave me this warning!

She didn't tell me not to turn him, but instead not to try to turn him; tsk, finally, her goal was to force me to go to the end of this madness!

Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's not very pleasant to see such a mother who cares so much about her son; especially for me, who didn't have good experiences with my shitty dad. Ahhh~, I feel that my peaceful daily life will only be a distant memory from now on.

D*ckhead dady~, what you want most in this world has been accomplished by someone else. I wonder what kind of expression you will have when you learn about the existence of my Darling?!

"What is your price?" With my most 'beautiful' smile, I asked this witch for the price of her silence.

Witches are like raccoons, they love everything that attracts them, but they also love money; I would even say banknotes almost curse them. No matter their wealth, they always want more, like a mythical dragon obsessed with gold!

Lucie's eyes shone strangely after hearing my proposal; as usual, it's their weak points.

But she immediately frowned.

"Are you asking me to close my eyes to that? What you are asking me is no different from betraying my race for wealth."

Her voice, which seemed annoyed by my proposal, resonated in my living room.

'But who was I to worry about a raccoon?' I said to myself, sitting on my couch.

"Yes, I suggest you betray your race for banknotes." My smile became more and more bubbling as I talked with her.

"Sigh, very good. But it will cost you more than usual, Milady." Followed by these words, her strange smile that could only help me appreciate her more was drawn on her lips.

'But one thing worries me about this girl, she accepted too easily; it's not normal.' I said to myself, frowning.

"Lucie, don't even dare to think about it!"

-Frown; "... Don't worry about that, Milady; I'm not as suicidal as wanting to compete with you for Milord."

Seeing this frown on her part, this hesitation, Tsk, I may have to kill her to have a clear conscience!

"Sigh; in short, can you put the order in the living room? I don't want my Darling to be back and see this mess once again."

She is a girl who knows what is good or dangerous for her. She’s someone who does not like to take risks and cares about life like the apple of her eye.

"Hm." When she nodded, I could see her body shine with a pure white glow that was different from the light emanating from the hunters,

She then joined her hands before her body and cast her spells.

"[Fox spirit, lend me your strength and help me alter the world’s laws, that all objects become their perfect forms again.]"

Instantly, the living room was like to undergo a temporal disturbance. The staircase broken into pieces that led to the basement was reconstituted as if nothing had happened. The sofas that had their cotton exposed because of the traces of the scratches on them became normal again. Not to mention the walls, and the scarlet snowflake in the living room, everything became normal again as the seconds flowed slowly into minutes.

After an additional minute and a few seconds,

"Little witch, you have become more competent than before." I complimented her with my satisfying look.

"Hehe~, it's not free."

"... A curse, huh?"


"No, let it go."


Meanwhile, Kasel and Sofia walked calmly through the streets toward Kasel's house.

As the latter had predicted, his house was only a few blocks from Eve's.

"It's frustrating." Sofia's sarcastic tone resounded next to Kasel.

"Yes, you should have thought twice before following me with such exhibitionist clothes. I am surprised that the authorities have not yet arrested you for your audacity.

-Even if we are in Reedoom city, it's a fact that these authorities are so lazy to the point of letting you walk in such maid clothes that show your ass!" Kasel replied by passively looking at the blonde girl with a short maid dress and black suspenders that linked her stockings to her long legs.

The skirt of her maid's dress was so short that her suspender was visible under it!

As for Kasel, he was more surprised to see the police officers ignore her than to see her walk without embarrassment in such a tempting outfit.

"I don't care about My coating since it was the mistress who chose these clothes for me. According to her, they are more suitable to punish me."

"Urgh, as special, both of them," Kasel murmured for himself, ignoring the eyes of others on them.

"...In short, what is frustrating is to walk such a long distance under this unbearable heat!" Sofia finally explained herself when she saw that Kasel did not understand what she meant.

"Long distance? Insbearable heat? But the temperature is 9 degrees. How can you talk about the heat when the sun is barely visible because of the clouds? Could it be that you don't have a ring that protects you from the sun?"

"Yes, I have. But the heat is still unbearable. It's not a sensation but an impression and a habit." She said, looking at her immaculate arm, which was slightly pale.

'Hm, people must surely take us for the residents of high cities. It may be our pale skin that makes them suspicious of us.' Kasel murmured while watching Sofia's actions.

Just seeing the pearls of sweat sparkle on her forehead, he could say that this girl's complaints were well-founded.

Just like that, the two arrived at the door of Kasel's little apt.

But the latter frowns when he notices a man with short black hair in front of a sports car parked in front of the outside courtyard of his apartment.


"Mike?" I whispered, instantly identifying the asshole in front of my apartment.

This bastard always likes to attract the attention of the neighborhood by bringing his luxurious cars home. But wait a minute, why is this idiot here? There are no classes today since it's the weekend.

-Ah, I understand; we already had a program this weekend.' I tell myself by stealthily approaching my only true friend who has not abandoned me, despite the difference in social class between us.

"Hey, little shit, do you think I'm a girl you're coming to pick up in advance when we had planned to party around 5 pm?"

Hearing my familiar voice behind him, he was surprised and urgently turned to look at me.

But the next moment, his smile froze on his lips, noticing my silhouette and that of Sofia in front of him.

"... Kasel?" He asked with suspicious eyes.

Yeah, yeah, I don't recognize myself, so it's apparent that you're confused too.

But what worries me the most is not the reaction of this bastard, but how will I explain the situation to my mum?

Even if she is carefree by nature, she will not let something as colossal pass.

My black hair, which was slightly dark, became darker as if it had been maintained since birth. Not to mention my skin, which had removed all its imperfections and is now somewhat pale. Even if it was not as pale as Sofia’s and Eve’s, it is still noticeable to my mother and Mike present here, who had spent all his childhood with me.

Unlike me, this bastard paid attention to his body as if he were a model. As I had already said, he is no more beautiful than me, but apart from my handsome appearance, this guy beat me in all other areas except video games. I am proud to introduce myself by my nickname as a god of the joystick because of my skills in this field.

"This asshole had never told me he had a bastard cousin or brother." He then murmured, looking at me from top to bottom.

That was the problem of this guy. He has imaginary thoughts that he never ceases to surprise me despite the eternal virtual fraternity that has united us since childhood.

A cousin? A brother? What does this asshole still say like shit?!

"Mike, it only passed one day, and yet, I feel your idiocy has creased in level. At this rate, you will become a retarded before the age of thirty." I said as I walked to the door of my small apartment, whose key was hidden under the cactus pot in front of the door.

According to my mum, cacti had the effect of keeping demons away.

Even if I thought it was just an excuse because of her love for this strange plant that only grows in the deserts. But now, I'm sure that she wasn't joking, just by seeing the strangely red glow that emanated from this plant.

Since I left this place, I have the impression that it's not only my appearance and body that have changed, but I have the impression that my soul itself has undergone a kind of mutation.

But it doesn't matter; the only problem is my attraction to blood. But I no longer feel this discomfort since I fed on the blood of the little demoness. I know it's strange to have such thoughts, but it doesn't matter to me anymore.

"Hey, little shit, you owe me some explanations!"

As I opened the door, Mike's sharp tone awakened my thoughts.

"Explanations? I didn't know you were playing the role of my late father now?"

"Ugh! I'm serious here! Did you become a vampire?!"



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