

it looks like you have chosen to die!" Gore said to the fate opening titan race fellow as he drew his saber.

"mmmh, chosen to die, you've got gulls for attempting such words in front of me, I am going to make you regret ever being burn!" the voice of the fate opening titan race fellow raged out as he charged towards Gore with incredible momentum.

despite the fare opening realm titan race fellow moving in the air, the ground trembled from the pressure e emitted as he broke through the air current and arrived in front of Gore almost instantly.

the spear in the grip of the fate opening realm titan race fellow stabbed towards Gore's shoulder with the intention to reduce it into smithers.

His intention was to tear Gore apart, limb by linv so that Gore would be plagued with intense agony before finally meeting his end however, he had miscalculated Gores capabilities.

right when the fate opening race fellow appeared in front of Gore and the spear in his gri
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