Chapter 2: Martial Path

Ye, I can see it in the distant horizon, and around Me if I must say so. Encroaching Void of endless magnitude in the vast cosmos alongside a flicker of light, growing, propagating, the Glow. A transition, a metamorphosis that may take eons, or may perphaps may never occur.

-Everdark and Constant Light


Training in the village starts at an early age of seven. The world of Agartha is a world whwre everyone'a constitution is enhanced because of mystic energy, thus, a child's body have so much potential and can be trained at an early age.

Of course, the number one reason is the threat of mystic beaats. But still training their body ans mind will never go wrong and will surely aid them in the long run.

Shortly after the rigid instructor arrives, the youths, consiting of 54 boys and girls, are now lined up, ready to listen to his teachings and start of training.

Although the training grounds is a bit crude, but all the necessary tools and equipment for training can be seen and it is also extensive, letting the youths practice without feeling cramped.

"Alright kids, Four new bloods will be joining us starting today and I hope all of you can help them in learning the Martial Path and building up your teamwork. I won't tolerate slackers. Got it?" the rigid instructor said seriously as four newbies, around 8 years old, started entering.

"Yes sir!" all the youths exclaimed in concert.

The world is dominated by cultivators, also known as illuviators, who utilize potent mystic energy in the atmosphere to strengthen themselves.

They have the power to overturn mountains or summon cascading floods based on the path they follow

For one to determine what path is the most suitable for them, they must undergo an aptitude test. The aptitude test is conducted every month during the New Moon with the reason only ancient humans or those with apex cultivation are able to comprehend.

This method of testing has been passed down since ancient times and is used widely. A child will be tested during his birth month's New Moon, and it will pretty much decide what path one will focus on.

Of course, having aptitude in only one path does not mean that one can not practice the other paths. It's just that the effort needed will be twice with only half the result intended.

There are three major paths in cultivation and the Martial Path is one of those.

In order for one to embark in the Martial Path, one must first undergo the Illuviation.

Illuviation is the process of accumulating mystic energy in the environment towards the body.

In the case of Martial Path cultivators, the mystic energy they needed is in the form of Pneuma. This can be viewed as the life force within every living being, the breath.

By illuviating the pneuma in the surroundings towards oneself, it will stregthen their body and advance fheir cultivation.

Most people starts illuviating at age eight because that is the age when the various channel in one's body are interconnected whixh is why the aptitude test is conducted during this time and that's also the age a child's body can handle the extra energy.

Illuviation has ten levels:

1- Iron

2- Copper

3- Silver

4- Gold

5- Platinum

6- Quicksilver

7- Mithril

8- Obsidian

9- Orichalcum

10- Adamantium

Each level requires double the accumulated energy in order to advance.

Then, after one enters the final level, a cultivator must condense these energies and depending on the path they chose, it may vary.

For the Martial Path, a cultivator must form one's Martial Heart in order to become a Martial Apprentice, the first rank in the cultivation path.

Mostly, people enter this stage at age 10.

A cultivators' Martial Heart can be equated to their moral compass, their unyielding beliefs.

Throughout their journey in the Martial Path, they must constantly reinforce, strengthen and reforge their Martial Heart.

If a cultivator starts to doubt oneself, it can lead to the creation of a Heart Demon, that which hinders a cultivator's path or may even lead to regression, slowly losing one's cultivation levels.

Or worst, when one's worldview of truth is completely overturned and one is not able to reforge a stronger Martial Heart, it can cause the shattering of one's cultivation, meaning someone can no longer be a cultivator.


Soon, the morning training officially starts as the instructor said, "You brats. Form a file and start your push ups. Your warm up should have been done ages ago. Now move!"

"You boys," he said, referring to the four newbies. "Stand with the others first to understand the basic and follow them. I will guide you all in your training." the instructor further remarked.

As the village chief always say, "A strong body means a strong foundation for any path one will take."

After finishing their 30-minute workout compose of running, pull ups and weights, three session for the demonstration of the sword, spear and bow are given, each session is 30-minute long.

Regardless of their preference, these sessions are mandatory in the village.

This will build their basic, thus strenghtening their foundation and in turn, increase their survival.

After the sessions, they went to their respective groups base on the Martial Path preferred.

The training grounds was then divided as the youths formed two files. There are 40 youths from the Sword Path group including the four new boys while the Marksman Path group only has 18 youths.

Soon, noises of stomping, swinging and clanging can be heard throughout the training grounds. The vigorous young men and women all performed their routine exercises with such mastery, clearly from constant daily practice.

The Martial Path is the most common path the inhabitants of this world, Agartha, often practice in.

By taking the Martial Path, practitioners aim to improve their physical prowess to execute profound techniques. The main point of cultivation is their physique, thus they can be referred to as body practitioners.

By harnessing the energy or force within their body, practitioners can explode with extreme power like a bear or a burst of speed like a jaguar.

This energy or life force is referred to as Pneuma. A formless energy within every living being's body, even plants have pneuma.

The instructor nods after seeing most of the younglings improved through physical training. He called out to the Sword Path group and pointed to a large dark brown boulder at the far end of the training wall. Just from its thickness and appearance, one can assume how hard it is.

"See that boulder. I need one person to try slashing it and see the result."the instructor said.

"Atroth, work those muscles of yours and show me what you got." He called out Atroth because he is one of the best swordsman in the group and is already an Adamantium-level Martial Apprentice.

[Martial Apprentice is the first rank in the road of Cultivation and each rank are composed of ten levels before finally being able to ascend to the next rank. On the other hand, the adamantium level is the tenth level, meaning the last, within that rank.]

His rank is at the upper ranks among the youths.

Atroth with his robust body and large greatsword, carefreely walks closer towards the large boulder.


He lifted his greatsword and mightily swung aginst the large boulder.

A loud sound echoed but only a couple of centimeter deep mark can be seen if one observe closely, too shallow.

It became more apparent how sturdy the large boulder is because normally, Atroth can easily cut down a tree that required two persons to hug its trunk.

With that much strength yet only leaving a shallow mark, it can be seen how hard the session they must undergo this week.


Atroth laugh innocently while scratching his head, even he was not expecting his strength to only amount that much against a mere rock. He walks back hurriedly towards Lex and Niles.

The rigid instructor then called out to the Sword Path group and said, "This week's training session for your group will be about 'Cleaving'. Now, focus on my demonstration because I will not repeat it again."

He walks towards the large bouder but not close enough to touch it with a sword. Seeing this, everyone was confused.

However, seeing their instructor no longer moving forward but instead, getting into a slashing stance, they hurriedly focused.

The next instant, a rapid sword slash flashed and a loud sound was heard.

The group intently look on the boulder, only to discover a precise 50-centimeter deep mark embedded on it.

Just from his sword's residual force alone, he left a deep mark in the large boulder. Evidently, their rigid instructor is a powerful sword practitioner with keen judgment and precise control on his power, maximizing it.

From the years of living in the mountain range, with constant danger from mystic beasts, where every ounce of energy must not be wasted for it can be the line between life and death, a deep sense of combat awareness is sharpened.

The youths are in awe from his display of prowess. However, they were soon distressed from learning the harsh training challenge.

The beginners must be able to at least leave a mark on the boulder.

On the other hand, requiring the Martial Apprentices to leave a 10-centimeter mark while the Martial Scholars to make a 50-centimeter deep mark on the boulder.

Soon, they started practicing their skills and trying to imitate the demonstration earlier.

Although they have varying cultivations, the youths showed proficiency in handling a sword.

Lex walked closer to the large boulder with Atroth and Niles.

Lex started feeling the large boulder to determine the toughness. Then, he started getting ready to hit the boulder, making a couple of slashes in the air.

He, as well as Niles are only beginners in cultivation.

Niles is a few months older than Lex, who is about to turn eight a month from now.

Meanwhile, Atroth is two years older than them but it does not stop them from being close friends.

Although they have not formally step into cultivation, they are already learning the basics which will be really helpful in their future cultivation.

Facing the boulder, Lex got into a slashing position and said,

"I want to try it."

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