4. The Sacred Stone

Armand's first day at college is marred by a horrific incident. He was still standing in the park when forensic officers removed Amanda's body. Though she is beautiful, Armand intends to seduce her after some time. He is really interested in her.

"Hey, Armand. Just go home. Why do you keep looking at the crime scene?" asked Jonas.

The police arrived quite late, so Amanda's body was not taken care of for several hours, so it became a spectacle for the students. Armand also saw Amanda's body and noticed something odd. The condition of the bodies was similar to that of his grandparents. That means Vero might not be the culprit. But everything needs to be proven.

"Daemon?" muttered Armand. He guesses he knows that name.

"Daemon?" Jonas was astonished when Armand muttered a name. "You know the university's owner?"

Armand was not surprised when he heard Jonas's words. "What do you mean? The owner of the university?"

"Daemon Bastian. You mentioned his name earlier," Jonas said.

Armand's heart suddenly beat very fast. He didn't expect to be so close to the figure. But is Daemon, the owner of the university, really Daemon Darkknight? Maybe they are different people.

"That's him." Jonas pointed to a man who had arrived. He met the police officer who was working on this case.

Vero looked down when Daemon Bastian's figure appeared. He looks scary with his father. Armand stared fixedly at Daemon. His face is very similar to Viserys, and his body is also very muscular and stout.

"I walked into a trap," muttered Daemon. And in an instant, Armand knew the perpetrator who killed Amanda. Only Daemon can do it.

Daemon was talking very seriously with the police officers. He accidentally glanced at Armand. Daemon's eyes made Armand's anger appear instantly. He remembered his grandparents, who died horribly because of Daemon's actions. He wanted to take revenge on Daemon, but now it is impossible. Everybody can see him.

Armand's eyes, in an instant, turned black. His face also turned terrible. Luckily, no one saw Armand's change. He quickly removed himself from the garden so no one would know who he really was.

Daemon smiled from a distance. It seemed he already knew that this young man was the Armand he had been looking for. He looks happy when he sees who he finds out.

Armand ran behind the building majoring in Computers. He didn't want anyone to see him right now. Armand was furious. He was dying to fight the Daemon right now. His anger was truly unbearable. His body transforms into a devil figure.

"I'm amazed you dared to show yourself to me." Daemons suddenly appear near Armand.

Armand turned. He couldn't stop his passion from attacking Daemon.

"You!" shrieked Armand. "You killed my family!" Armand ran towards Daemon. It attacks Daemons in a very amateurish way.

Daemons smiled. Within seconds he had moved. Armand lost Daemons. He looked to the side, and he saw Daemon behind him.

Armand attacks Daemon again randomly. He really needed to learn how to use his powers. Even though Viserys always warned Armand to concentrate while in devil form.

Daemon giggled when he saw Armand's attacks that never hit him. He mocked Armand by constantly dodging.

"Face me, you bastard! You bastard! You killed my family! I have to kill you!"

Daemons do not care. He kept teleporting so that Armand would not hit him.

"Young Boy, didn't Viserys ever tell you that devils are immortals?" Daemons said. "I'm different from you, a Hybrid."

"Don't divert the conversation! Fight me!" shrieked Armand.

Daemon avoided Armand's attacks for a long time until Armand felt overwhelmed. He paused for a moment out of exhaustion.

"Humans are weak creatures. You're lucky to get devil blood from Vichir," sneered Daemon.

"Bullshit! I'm not a devil like you! I've never killed anyone!" shrieked Armand.

Daemon smiled as he closed his eyes. He raised his hand. He pointed his index finger and ring finger at Armand.

"Aaargh!" Armand groaned in pain as his neck felt like it was being strangled.

"You're even weaker than the humans I trained. You don't deserve to be called a devil's blood. Give back my Sacred Stone."

"I don't know… Aargh!" Armand's neck felt like it was being strangled.

"You're lying! The stone is on you! You think all the deaths around you are because of me?" Daemons dodge. "It's all because of you. You're holding that thing. If you don't put it back, then deaths will always appear around you!"

Armand did not know about this. Viserys never said it. He did not feel like he was holding the thing Daemon meant. How could he be the one causing the deaths of the people around him?

"I wasn't around them when they died! You lied!"

Daemon immediately moved his finger to the right until Armand's body was thrown to the right and fell to the ground.

"Argh! Fuck!" shrieked Armand. His lips were bleeding, though, within seconds, they were back to normal. Armand was also surprised to find himself recovering so quickly.

Daemon approaches Armand. This time he stepped on Armand's head, causing Armand to wince in pain.

"Stop! Stop!" Armand shouted.

"You are just a rotten human who has devil blood. Don't try to act like you are the most powerful being in the universe. Devils are the most perfect creatures in the universe. We control hell, which will burn down human trash like you. If you have time to think, you should ask Viserys about everything." Daemon had absolutely no mercy for Armand, who was already in pain. He could have broken Armand's neck.

Daemon stared at Armand. This young man looked literally on the verge of death, and Daemon enjoyed tormenting Armand.

"Why? Why are you accusing me of carrying the Sacred Stone? I don't have any. I'm telling the truth." Armand tries to discover why Daemon keeps thinking he's carrying that thing.

"Because that thing causes the deaths around you. The Sacred Stone is mine, given by my Boss. If the stone is in the world, then whoever holds it will be able to kill someone without leaving a trace," answered Daemon.

"But I wasn't even near Amanda! I was in the building when her body was found! And how could that stone be on me? I don't feel like I have it!" Armand continued to dodge. He doesn't want to be thought of as the cause of other people's deaths. He had never done such a heinous thing.

"The owner of the Sacred Stone will easily take someone's life. The way it works is to like the target to be killed. It's the same as how the grim reaper works when it's about to take a human's life. Before killing a human, he will smile at the human as if he likes it, then … boom...dead humans." Daemon's explanation is both clear and surprising. "You may not know that the stone is in you."

Armand was still holding the pain in his neck. He just remembered that he had a crush on Amanda earlier, and his grandparents are the people he loves the most.

"But why only now? I never used to happen like this!" Armand was still trying to dodge.

"Because you took the form of a devil when you were eighteen. The Sacred Stone will only work in the hands of a devil. You only become a devil when you are eighteen," answered Daemon.

Daemon looked at Armand, who was still wincing in pain. He immediately let go. Armand coughed as he managed to get away from Daemon. A few moments later, his body had recovered. He immediately stood up and looked at Daemon.

"You're lying to me, right, Daemon Darkknight?" said Armand firmly.

Daemon approached Armand, but after a few steps, Viserys appeared behind Daemon.

"Hello, Brother," Viserys greeted.

Daemon raised an eyebrow. He then glanced back and saw his brother.

"The Great Viserys," said Daemon. He smiled broadly at her and then hugged Viserys.

Armand felt strange with Viserys and Daemon's attitude. Didn't Viserys tell him to be careful of Daemons?

"What is this?" grunted Armand. He felt like he was lied to by Viserys. It turned out that their relationship was fine.

Viserys looked at Armand, who looked confused. He understood why his grandson was confused.

"We are family, Armand," Viserys said, patting Armand on the shoulder.

"Family?" Daemons interrupted. "My assistant said I wasn't allowed into Vichir's house."

Viserys were silent. It looks like the pleasantries he is doing can be caught easily by Daemon. Finally, he told Daemon the truth. He didn't want Daemon around Armand.

"Stay away from Armand. He has nothing to do with the Sacred Stone."

Daemons smiled. "You want to pretend to be a good grandpa for your grandson, Viserys?" Then he chuckled. "You know that all of this started with your stupidity," Daemon said.

"Me?" Viserys was surprised that Daemon was accusing him. "What did I do wrong? I just want to return everything to its origin. This universe has a creator. Sacred Stones must return to their origins, and so should you and Vichir. The world is no place for devils!"

Armand needed help understanding the conversation Viserys had with Daemon. He just wanted to know the truth about himself and the Sacred Stone. He had never felt it belonged to him and did not want much death to surround him.

"Is that true, Viserys?" he asked.

Viserys turned to Armand. "About what?"

"The Sacred Stone is in me, and its power is activated after I turn into a devil?" said Armand.

Viserys turned to Daemon. He did not regret Daemon's attitude that he did not want to keep secrets.

"Answer me, Viserys!" Armand couldn't stand it because Viserys was just silent. "Is it true that I caused my grandparents to die? Is that so?"

Viserys tried to calm Armand. "Boy… It's not your fault…."

"Aaah! You tricked me! You tricked me, Viserys. You only wanted to use me to find the Sacred Stone!" Armand was annoyed and chose to leave.

"Armand! Armand!" Viserys screamed, but Daemon chuckled instead.

"Oh, so dramatic. You're driving your family away again, Viserys. I wonder how it was possible for you to never get along with your family?" sneered the Daemons.

"Shut your mouth, Daemon! You're the one who ruined the universe system! You targeted Armand for your personal desires!" shrieked Viserys.

"Me?" muttered Daemons. He glared viciously at his brother. "You want to dodge because your son has stolen something important from hell? Are you blaming me because the Sacred Stone is my responsibility? I know Vichir wouldn't have done it if it weren't for his father. You told Vichir about the stone, so he wanted it?" Daemons don't want to be blamed for what happened in hell.

Viserys were silent. He looked at his brother, filled with hatred. Whatever happens, Viserys will not let Daemon harm, Armand.

"Take good care of your granddaughter. If I find the Sacred Stone in her. I will do whatever it takes to get it back. Even if I have to kill her." Daemon said it clearly.

"And I will destroy you with my own hands if you kill my offspring!"

Viserys left immediately. In just a few seconds, he disappeared. Daemon is still in place. He turned toward the parking area and could still feel Armand's presence.

"We'll see, Viserys. Can you protect your grandson? Either you or I get it. Whatever happens, we've broken the rules of the universe." Daemon looked up at the sky. He seemed to be looking at his Boss above. "If hell is messed up, then heaven will be messed up too. If that's the case. He'll do it himself."

Daemon stepped towards the parking area to see Armand. There he saw Armand crying and hitting the steering wheel several times.

"Poor boy," Daemon said.

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