Chapter 21: Bringing Home

"Come on stand up damian, I will help you," said Hermes.

Hermes helped all the children to their feet.

Damian, who had been able to stand up earlier also fell because he was already very weak.

However, the children were already very weak. In fact, it was very difficult to raise his body.

"I can no longer continue my stand," said Damian.

Seeing the children in a completely limp condition, Hermes was increasingly worried for their safety.

Not wanting to linger, Hermes immediately called the security guard to assist him in lowering them and putting them in the car.

"Wait here for a moment, okay?" Hermes said goodbye.

Hermes left them for a moment to get down and look for the security guard downstairs.

Hermes is still looking for the security guard, but it is very difficult to find him.

"Where's the security guard?" muttered Hermes who was still looking for the security guard.

After finding it, Hermes immediately approached the security guard.

Hermes ran as fast as he could because the se
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