17. Welcome To Paradise

“Where are we?“ I ask, looking around. The room is unusual. It reminded me of my hospital room when I was alive. It didn't smell like mahogany wood like the houses on the 52nd chamber, and when i go to touch the alabaster walls, it's smooth and firm like it's made of cement.

“The 52nd Chamber” She tells me while pouring the water into the sink. I open the windows, and the cool air pours into my lungs. My jaw drops at the sight of the modern city. There's skyrises on every street. It's almost like the city outside my window in the hospital. The city I longed for but never had the privilege of exploring.

“Woah! It's a whole new world here” I sigh, staring out into the city as everything happened beneath me. There's a beach not far from here. The beauty of the city washes my worries away. “Have you ever been here?“

“No i haven't. I talked to the receptionist and she said it's a big city. We are going to be here for a while if we want to find Ayra. I have a feeling she's
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