7 The medium...

Eva's point of view...

I did not lock the room, as I have come here to find the phone the next morning. I was a little offended because it will be hard for me to go there in the morning and despite taking a risk I didn't find anything productive there, not a clue, not any kind of medium, that the weird voice announced.

Now that I thought about it, it was just my hallucinations.

Nothing else...!

To survive this crisis, I planned to go there early in the morning as no one would be there at that time. After returning to my room, I set an alarm for 4 o'clock and went to bed instantly.

[Era excitedly looked at her if she got the medium but unfortunately she didn't, Era had to wait a little more. She really wished she could help Eva get that but wishes don't come true often]

I saw a girl sitting in front of the mortuary and crying in front of me, I moved towards her with my hand extended, but suddenly someone grabbed her from the backside.

I tried to get hold of her and to see what happene
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