Chapter 228: The All Black's force

While the Battle raged on in the fields, Morgana strucked her spear on the ground as her eyes turned dark, She chanted inaubily as the sky turned dark and she could see Jace Vragon in his Chambers...Still in slumber.

" I have seen him, Somehow the Kid is in slumber " Morgana stated as her eyes returned back to its normal state and she grabbed her spear, She drew energy from Okios and created a Portal but Immediately the Portal opened up.

It closed up immediately.

" Morgana, what is the meaning of this? " The All Black asked in pains as he coughed out bloods from his mouth, Morgana created the portal again but it closed up with immediately effects and the All Black growled.

" I don't know what is happening but someone is closing the Portal I am creating, There is someone or something that is blocking our paths into the Empire " Morgana stated as her eyes once again turned pitch black.

Morgana gasped immediately she gazed at Nimrai, The Presence of Nimrai is the cause of the Portal erad
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