ch15 Elaboration

-Lola's pov:-

Jasper actually lied to Adrien's face?! And we couldn't do anything about it cause if we did we'd break Adrien's heart into so many pieces it wasn't gonna be reparable.

Something didn't add up about Millie though.

Even though she was shot in the stomach and stabbed after that she still had time to grab Adrien's vest and use it to stop the blood loss.

I was certain Jasper had something to do with it, and then it hit me.

"Yeah he ran off didn't he, just like you didn't kill him." I spoke frowning towards Jasper.

Everyone looked at me like I was a ghost.

"What are you on about?!" Jasper said defending himself knowing damn well what he did.

"Don't even bother hiding it. Millie was shot in the stomach wasn't she?" I asked Jasper to clarify my statements.


"And she got finished with a final stab in the chest right?"

"I guess so. But I still don't see why I am the one blamed for that."

"Is- is he dead?" Peeped Adrien.

It went silent from there. I nodded at him.

"I'm so
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