Chapter 30: The Hunts Guild

Logini stopped the car, shielded with leaves and whatever else she could find. Logini led Benjamin outside, his body burning like a fever. She and he went into the woods opposite the farm. Logini tried to walk quickly when the first rays of sunlight had begun to penetrate the leaves and hit the ground. As she moved, she erased traces of both of them.

A large silver-gray stone appeared in front, Logini smiled, she touched the ledge on the left and pressed it down. A hatch had opened just below. Logini was about to step down when suddenly, her shoulders were grabbed.

She gritted her teeth trying not to scream, when she turned around to see Benjamin blood red eyes, he had changed into a complete black witch. This is a modified form of pure-blooded wizard families. When encountering major events affecting their lives, their original instincts will arise. At this time, the witches will turn into black witches and only know how to destroy all people around.

He growled in his throat and lung
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