Chapter 144 - Lean Got Himself Played At

Lean had arrived a while ago but had chosen not to go to James' class because someone had snitched that the vice principal was in there.

It wasn’t that Lean was scared of the Vice Chancellor, rather, he just wasn’t in the mood for a thing like that as of yet, so he waited till the vice chancellor left before rushing there.

The first thing Lean saw the moment he entered the classroom almost made him butcher someone.

He saw James amid two beauties.

Not just any beauties, but the one he had been courting for a while now and the one he was just about to start courting.

If not because he felt he should rather be a nice guy here, he would have lounged at James and tried beating the hell out of him, which would have probably led to his demise.


Presently, everybody could be seen ogling at Lean as if he was a big dumbo.

‘Brilliant than James?!’

They all were feeling as if they had just heard the funniest joke in their lives and would have burst out laughing already if not beca
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