Chapter 143 - The Two Beauties

At this point, the class had become utterly quiet as everybody, both young and old could be seen gazing in the same direction with the same expression painted on their faces.

They were presently waiting patiently for James' response.

Although James knew this, he doesn’t see any harm in thinking through things.

According to what the principal shared happily after he asked, this competition would take place in the capital city where he had never been before.

He had said the competition was a once in every four years event, and that only the top colleges in the world always attend it.

According to the principal, Dee University had never qualified for this competition before because they do not have any students worthy of it.

When James and his classmates heard this, they had been shocked to their core.

They all could understand according to how the principal had narrated the competition that it definitely was an important place of pride for every school.

Inch by inch, James
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