105: Knowing The Truth

November wondered if he should tap into his super speed and head to his mom's favorite burger joint because it had been a while since he had made use of his powers. He didn't use his quirk in eight days since the outbreak of the zombie aliens and sort he missed wearing his super suit and going after Scott Andrews to threaten his superpowers. Even threaten him over Mr. Anonymous.

He had tried to live like a normal teen because he was traumatized from seeing a four-year-old blonde boy who wasn't even human but the host of the zombie aliens. November couldn't still be normal even as he walked past little blonde boys, the way the host of the zombie aliens had looked at him, still haunted him badly, that was shy he had been trying to lay low with his quirks.

And then it dawned on him about the Abulterin drug that was currently distributed they had in it ads everywhere, claiming it was this painkiller med.

November was unsettled because he knew this drug will cause several deaths within and
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