Chapter 11: Blood and war part 1

Grace came to Emma and asked her about the plans as she informed her that she had spoken with mother to avoid casualties. Grace, Emma and Dante all head to the battleground alone at first. They saw an army of IMPERISHABLES heading to the warfront at dusk. Emma stared up to the sky to see the cloud blocking out the sun.

"Magic!", Emma whispered.

"For the safety of the immortals", said Dante.

The imperishables were led by Veronica and Marcus. As they halt for a moment for brief discussion between Emma and Veronica who both flew in mid-air for a short conversation.

"Be careful Emma", said Grace. As she took off.

"I see you're ready for defeat as you've chosen your battle ground of death", said Veronica. "Mother will have what's hers from you today and then kill you and your sister for betrayal. How can you win with no one at your aid. How can three win against our battalions of mother's imitation. It's over dear Emma".

"It's not... And I know you're scared of defeat Veronica. You can ch
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