The other YOU and ME

While Luck and Caroline were on their way to a pizza house they felt a weird sensation of mana, they both felt it but they didn't react strangely to it

"You feel it too don't you?"

Luck asked Caroline, he stopped walking and slowly turned around to look at her

"I feel it but I think it's nothing, it's probably a randomly generated mana zone so we can simply ignore it!"

Caroline said as she kept moving forwards, but before she could get ahead of Luck he grabbed her wrist

"Why not explore it?"

He asked with a smile on his face, Caroline smiled back

"I didn't think you are the type to jump in danger but I won't complain"

Caroline then walked closer to the source of this weird sensation

"I'm entering in if I'm not back in 10 seconds then don't enter"

Caroline said, and before Luck could say anything, she vanished like thief in the night, Luck waited and before he knew it Caroline popped out of the mana zone, no harm was done to her

"It's amazing inside there, let's go explore!"

Caroline t
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