Chapter 30: The Last Chapter

"God Flame and Thunder God! Bursting technique," Kaminari Raiu said in a calm voice as thunderbolts and his flame swords started to increase and flow rapidly around his body and blade.

Suddenly he vanished from where his currently hovering and was suddenly in front of the mechanical doll. He swings down his blade toward the mechanical doll with great force and speed. He uses thunderclap to get in front of the mechanical doll and uses the thunder Go sword and flame.

The mechanical doll manages to see his moves and manages to put all of its six blades in front of him before he reaches him. The mechanical doll suddenly smiles as he suddenly has his eyes widened and got sent down. Their blades collided with a great force and made a shockwave that shook the ground and excessive wind.

The clouds got cleared and they were directly going down to the ground. Kaminari Raiu forces his blade and body to make the doll sent down. Their blades are still colliding. Thunder occurred and crumbled beh
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